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The Auto Shop
715 Speedvale Avenue W.
Guelph, ON N1K 1E6
43.532649 -80.30451
4.93/5.00 average rating
324 reviews
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Very nice people but I think I wasted $300 fixing speed sensor and the transmission started acting up again which means I probably need a new pump...
Shop Comment
Ahmad ,when you brought the vehile in the transmission was working fine .The service code was po503 vehile speed signal intermittent . I explained to you that the computer that controls the transmission did not see a sigal.
The people at The Autoshop are top shelf. Highly experienced friendly staff. I feel confident bringing my vehicle there. I
I went in for a safety and he called me with a list of things they would need to "fix" before it would pass a safety. He said the brake lines need replacement but they weren't leaking. The brakes needed to be serviced thats not even required for a safety. He was reaching for money thats all, didn't care about me just wanted my money. I had another safety done later that same day by a different shop and it passed.
Shop Comment
John ,the steel brake line we condemend was the brake line that runs from the front of the vechile to the rear.This lines runs above the fuel tank and that section cannot be seen without dropping the fuel tank.The section of line we could see was not only rusty but starting to develop flakes of rust and from past experience the section above the fuel tank tend to be more rusty were it is not visble. That,s why we commend it, Yes the line was not leaking but we can,t tell when it going to leak and it usualy leaks when you will least expect it to.GOD FORBID IF THAT WERE TO HAPPEN AND PUT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY AND OTHERS ON THE ROAD AT RISK OF YOUR BRAKES FAILING. We at the auto shop do not want to have to live with that.Let alone the legal implication that would be inflicked on us and you.Heaven forbid that our negligence on not condeming that brake line could possibly cause some one to get injured or cause a fatality. As far as the brake service goes it was recomended because the brake pads are starting to sieze in the saddles and when you apply the brakes,brake pressure is not being applied evenly to the pads .This can cause a hard pedal feel and give you insuffient stopping power and not mention your brakes will not wear evenly and prematurely.So John i do care about you and other around you and also does my staff. Its not about the money it is about the lives and safety of you and others.If i could be any further assistants. Please contact me .David
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Guelph, ON N1K 1E6
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